
BudWood is a not-for-profit Montana CoOp whose members are apple growers, apple product manufacturers, and those aspiring to grow or manufacture.



Revitalize and grow Montana’s apple industry.



Encourage new orchard plantings. The majority of Montana orchards are remnants from the Apple Boom days consisting of just a few varieties for the fresh fruit market. Consumers’ preferences in apple varieties have changed and new markets for heirloom fruit, organic fruit, and bittersweet hard cider fruit have emerged. Many beginning farmers recognize the growth potential in the new varieties and new markets but do not have the resources and knowledge to start an orchard.  BudWood proposes to assist orchardists in planning for new or re-newed apple orchards to take advantage of modern markets.


Better utilize existing orchards.  Currently orchardists rely on the fresh fruit market for approximately 90% of their sales. Because this market uses only unblemished fruit, 40-50% of the fruit grown is wasted or used as animal feed. BudWood proposes to increase Montana apple juice, hard cider and dried fruit production to better utilize fruit crops.


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